Students entering nursing must submit evidence of good health. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain health and safety requirements. Students who are out of compliance with any health and safety requirements will be blocked from online campus program-specific clinical courses and will not be allowed to attend clinical until the requirements are met. Questions regarding health and safety may be directed to the Health and Safety Specialist at [email protected].
Health and safety requirements are subject to immediate change in order to maintain compliance with state and federal requirements, Center for Disease Control requirements and standards of practice.
“Blocking Process” for non-compliant students:
- Health and Safety Items are due by 4 p.m. the business day PRIOR to the appropriate College health and safety vendor’s stated due date.
- Rechecks of non-compliant students will only occur at 4 p.m. the next business day. Any students compliant will be unblocked and allowed to return to clinical at that time. No students will be unblocked before the 4 p.m. deadline.
- Students missing clinical due to noncompliance will result in an unexcused absence (please refer to the absence policy). No make-up assignments and/or clinical will be allowed.
- Student will meet with faculty to establish a clinical contract to outline expectations due to unexcused absence.